
How To Make A Bag Out Of A Shirt

several ways to make a t-shirt bag

In that location are lots of means to make a t-shirt into a bag or backpack. I'll testify you eight slap-up ways to practice it, and you don't even need to know how to stitch for some!

A caucasian woman smiling wearing a navy blue dress showing off her handmade striped t-shirt bag.

In the concluding year, hither in Espana, a ban has been implemented on giving out free plastic shopping bags at supermarkets. Despite being a person who composts, and recycles, and tries to minimize waste, I accept to admit that I had mixed feelings near the ban at first.

Here in Spain, it is very unusual to see whatever alternative bag types being offered at the stores. I guess now that the stores are charging for plastic bags, there is no incentive for them to offering alternatives to those who need bags. I wish that stores would offer paper bags, or other compostable alternatives, rather than but accuse a few cents for a plastic 1, especially since I love using/recycling the brown newspaper for so many things. It would be great to have costless brown bags for things like wrapping presents and a weed command/compost layer in the garden. Heck, that brown newspaper would be great for making origami planting pots for starting seeds in the garden.

Hopefully people are using less plastic, rather than but paying more for the bags they use. I'm not so certain that's the case, but promise it is.

Lookout man me brand some of these t-shirt bags

Why Brand a T-shirt pocketbook?

While recycling is ameliorate than throwing things away, it still is best to make something similar a t-shirt bag that can be used over and over again.

T-shirt bags are actually peachy because they are lightweight and rubberband. They are able to concur lots of heavy items, conforming to the shape of well-nigh anything yous try to shove into them. The cashiers e'er appear to exist amazed at how much I can fit into just one bag, and, knock on wood, I've never had 1 break on me!

A alarm near reusable shopping bags

I read something interesting about reusable shopping bags in full general that you should definitely keep in listen.

There are a lot more (an estimated 34% more) visits to emergency rooms for E. Coli based food poisoning, with a %50 rising in deaths from E. Coli since plastic pocketbook bans have gone into place.

It seems that 97% of people that employ reusable bags for shopping don't wash their numberless regularly. Or always.

These bags become contaminated and reused with new, fresh foods. When you take a look at some of the reusable bags being offered, made of materials like raffia that aren't very easy to clean, I gauge that makes sense.

That'south where a t-shirt bag comes in handy. It'south much easier to throw in the wash and make clean thoroughly between uses!

I have to admit to being one of the 97% who hadn't washed several of the bags I own and apply, simply at present that I know better, I plan to being much better most it. I too program on switching to t-shirt numberless for virtually of my food shopping.

An orange t-shirt bag hanging on a door knob, filled with lots of heavy groceries.

How to forbid bacterial contamination from reusable shopping numberless

The ideal solution would be to have several bags with their own color code or label and then that you lot tin can separate your meats from your fruits and vegetables and other items. That would aid forbid contamination between washings.

Having several lightweight, but strong, bags that volition concord upward to multiple washings definitely helps. You lot'll want to be especially conscientious about washing any bags that hold meats often.

How to brand a t-shirt bag

At that place are already tons of tutorials over the internet on how to make a shopping bag from a shirt. I have seen, and tried, many of them. Some I accept liked more in theory than in do, and others I have liked with some personal tweaking. I'yard going to share with you lot some of my favorites, along with the fashion I almost e'er brand them now.

i. Basic sewn t-shirt bag:

Here is Martha Stewart's version, merely at that place are many tutorials on how to make the bones, straight on t-shirt pocketbook. It is probably the most mutual fashion to brand a purse from a shirt that yous can find on the internet. It is also probably the best mode to make a printed t-shirt into a bag, if you actually want to see the printing, because the printed motive stays on the "front" of the bag.

All you practice to brand this basic t-shirt bag is to cut the neck and sleeves off the shirt, and and so sew across the bottom. (You'll desire to flip the shirt inside out before sewing to go on the seam on the inside of the bag.)

Top view of a grey printed shirt placed on a wooden chopping board, cut up to make into a t-shirt bag.

The trouble with this basic t-shirt purse is that when you hold the pocketbook by the handles, the front of the shirt really becomes the side of the bag. When you wearable the bag as you usually would, the corners of the bag sort of poke into your side. That makes this bag a lot less comfortable, which is why I don't commonly brand my t-shirt bags similar this. (My yellow bag in the picture above was made with this method. It was the first bag I made years ago before I experimented with other methods.)

A tank summit tin can be converted, in this manner, even easier, because the sleeves are already gone. They normally accept a deeper scooped neckline, likewise, and then you tin usually go away without cutting anything at all, leaving the edges more finished. The only trouble with that, is that the forepart usually scoops lower, and then your handbag won't exist 100% symmetrical in all directions.

2. Twisted Tank Top Tote:

Once over again, in that location are numerous tutorials all over the internet on how to make a tank top tote. The link in a higher place goes to one of my favorites. Instead of only sewing the bottom shut while the tank is open equally in the first example, you lot plow the tank on its side, and line up the straps at the elevation. When you sew across the bottom, y'all have a much more "credible" tote. (What I mean by that is that it no longer looks similar a tank tiptop sewn across the bottom, and is actually much more attractive as a bag.)

Top view of a tie dyed light blue and green t-shirt bag.

The matter to keep in mind here, if you desire to keep the finished edges from the peak of your tank top, is that you should have a tank superlative that is as close to symmetrical between the front and the back as possible or it will await a bit off. When you're actually wearing the bag, though, you don't really notice it.

3. The no-sew, fringed t-shirt bag:

For those who don't have a sewing motorcar, or who need to improvise a purse when a sewing machine isn't around, y'all tin brand this bag. When I had first written this mail, I still hadn't tried making one. The pictures online didn't really do the bag justice, So I wasn't too motivated to effort it. I hadn't thought to try to make one using my method of flipping the pocketbook to line up the sleeve holes to make a hobo way fringed bottom bag.

An ombre peach red no sew fringed bottom t-shirt bag hanging on a door knob of a white door.

I finally got effectually to making i myself, but using my flipping method for the tiptop. In the stop, I think mine turned out pretty darn beautiful!

It's really easy to make 1 of these in a pinch, using only a t-shirt and scissors. Rather than stitch the lesser, yous cut slits into the bottom, and start tying the front and bottom pieces together. If you desire to brand one of these, merely don't desire the fringe to show, you can flip the shirt inside out before tying all of the knots. When you flip the shirt right side out again, the fringe will be in the inside.

I think this would exist a great activity for kids!

four. No-sew drawstring bottom t-shirt bag:

If you don't have a sewing automobile, this is the quickest, easiest fashion to brand a t-shirt in just a few minutes! This bag makes utilise of the bottom hem of the t-shirt to convert the lesser into a drawstring closure.

A t-shirt bag made with drawstring bottom.

I loved how clever this was, especially since I've been using the same method for making drawstring numberless out of t-shirts and pouches out of t-shirt sleeves for quite some time now. I've even flipped shirts over to brand a backpack with a pinnacle drawstring closure in the same manner, but didn't think to shut up the lesser that way.

All you demand to do hither is to make a slit through the summit layer of the hem enclosure and run a cord through until y'all come back out the same hole. To close upwardly the bottom, pull the string closed equally tight as y'all tin, and necktie information technology shut! That's all there is to information technology!

v. Produce bag (Or Beach bag):

The produce handbag can be fabricated from whatever of the other types of numberless. The idea is to put a lot of slits into the bag to give information technology a bit of style. Information technology will also allow the bag to stretch even bigger than it normally would.

A handmade t-shirt black produce style bag with slits cut into it, filled with beach items hanging on a wood fence.

Overall I like these bags for storing sandy or dingy things, like when y'all are going to the beach or when you lot are storing kids shoes or toys. I utilize it for my son'southward beach toys when we become to the beach.

I'chiliad non convinced that I dear it for produce because you need to brand the slits small, or purchase large produce, to keep everything from falling out. In plastic produce bags, the holes are in that location to allow the produce to breathe, but if you make a regular t-shirt handbag, the cotton material already allows some air through. Plus, you're more than likely using the handbag to temporarily send your food, rather than for full-fourth dimension storage.

A navy blue t-shirt produce bag with cut slits filled with lemons, hanging on a white bar chair.

I made mine in a unlike way than what I have normally seen washed online because I didn't feel similar drawing a lot of lines, or measuring and trying to cut with a rotary cutter. Instead, I used the idea of squeeze box folding. If you accordion-fold something and cutting the sides in an alternate blueprint, you get the upshot that you are really looking for in the produce purse.

There are a couple of things yous should keep in mind if you try the accordion fold method.

1. Any cutting that you make will actually be twice every bit long when y'all unfold it. I hadn't counted on the stretchy nature of the t-shirt material making the holes even bigger, then I made my slits way too large. While I'chiliad able to use the bag for bringing my son'south sand toys to the beach, I accept to make sure to put smaller toys into a pail or something so they don't fall out.

accordion method of cutting a produce bag

two. When you try to squeeze box fold the entire handbag, it gets a bit too thick to be able to cut all of the slits at once.

To deal with this trouble, I partially accordion folded the shirt before beginning to brand my slits. And then, I pulled back the end side and folded downward the next department, making slits right where the other cut slits from other folded sections already were. I kept doing that until I had finished making slits throughout the whole bag. I know that might not make a lot of sense, but I call back you will run across what I mean if you actually attempt to do it yourself. I'll work on getting a video up before long!

half dozen. My drawstring backpack from a baby shirt:

I made this cute trivial backpack out of a boy's long-sleeved shirt that was given to me by another local mother. I was offered a lot of her clothes when her son had outgrown them. The fabric of the shirt was rather stiff, and, while I idea information technology was cute, I found it a scrap likewise busy to wear as a t-shirt. Instead, I envisioned it existence a much cuter niggling backpack.

A colorful handmade drawstring backpack made from a baby t-shirt, hanging from a tree branch.

To brand it, I first cut off the sleeves and the collar, cutting it straight across as loftier up as I could to maintain as much fabric as possible. In the instance of this backpack, to continue the little monster right side upwards, I couldn't use the bottom hem as my drawstring enclosure. But if y'all don't take any pictures on the front of your shirt, yous can save yourself lots of fourth dimension past flipping the shirt and using the lesser hem for your drawstring.

To make a new drawstring enclosure at the top of the backpack, I hemmed downwards the fabric, sewing it just over a centimeter down from the fold, to create a small-scale tube for the straps to go through. I only had the sleeves' fabric to use for the straps, so I had to piece together several strips that I cutting from the sleeves in order to make them long enough. To make things simpler, though, you tin can use some cord for the straps and drawstring instead. (That's what I commonly do).

If yous desire to make your own straps from the sleeve cloth, though, cut fabric strips only over an inch broad. You'll desire to sew them together to class two long strips of fabric from each sleeve. Then, fold them lengthwise, with the right sides facing each other, and sewed across the open edges along the sides and on one end. I fabricated one long tube from each sleeve and used a skewer to help me turn the tubes dorsum correct side out to form my finished straps.

A photo collage showing the steps to making a t-shirt drawstring backpack.

I closed up the haversack, and gave information technology better shape, by flipping it within out and sewing upwardly the sleeve holes simply upward to the hem at the top, just not across the hem!

Next, you lot want to thread your straps through the drawstring closures at the height. If I have a longer cord, I ordinarily thread the cording through all the way effectually the top, ending upwards dorsum at where I began on both sides. In this instance, I didn't have plenty textile to make the straps go all the way effectually the top, so I threaded one side idea the front, and the other side through the back hem. I knotted one on the left side, and the other on the correct, to prevent the straps from coming out of the hem subsequently when closing the backpack.

To terminate off the haversack, you want to stitch up the bottom hem. Make certain your shirt is inside out first, and then pull the straps through the inside of the tube (which is really the outside because information technology's inside out, but anyway. Hopefully you understand. 😉 ) You want to pull the straps through the bottom before sewing across the bottom hem and then that you catch the straps within the hem. One strap should exist on either side of the bottom hem. (Tin you come across what I hateful in the photo higher up?

Top view of a finished drawstring backpack made from a baby shirt.

Flip it right side out, and you end upwards with a cute, drawstring backpack in which the straps also serve as the drawstring which opens and closes the bag.

7. Super Easy t-shirt backpack

Homemade backpack from a kid's shirt hanging on a shirt with a stuffed animal inside

I'm editing this post to add together this backpack equally a unlike method, so I can meliorate show you what I meant for how to make an upside down t-shirt haversack.

If your shirt doesn't have whatsoever pictures on the front, you lot can easily make a haversack using the bottom hem of your shirt equally the peak drawstring enclosure! This saves a lot of fourth dimension, and means you can pretty much make a t-shirt backpack with only one seam!

Top view of cut off sleeves off a striped orange and white t-shirt. This will be used to make a drawstring backpack.

This is super simple and involves cut off the sleeves and neck. I brand sure it's symmetrical by folding the shirt in half and then cutting it in a rounded shape, preserving as much cloth every bit possible.

Y'all want to turn the shirt upside down and see the bottom hem as your drawstring enclosure and the haversack will now accept a rounded bottom. Follow the same steps as in the other backpack to a higher place. You lot'll now want to sew the straps into your bottom seam and run the other terminate through the hem that is now at the top.

When using cording, I like to run the cording through the hem both means equally you would when making a double drawstring enclosure. One time that is washed, y'all'll desire to flip the handbag within out and run the cords through the heart of the bag before sewing across the bottom. (See what I mean in the backpack to a higher place.)

Close up a black cord being inserted into the enclosure of a t-shirt drawstring backpack, using a safety pin.

Hither you can encounter how I run the cording through. I run one cord through one way, and the other cord through the other way. I and then flip the shirt inside out earlier sewing the cord into the bottom seam to hold it in place. (See the pics for the other backpack to see where they need to get.)

8. My favorite way to make a t-shirt bag, with matching drawstring carrying pouch

A caucasian woman smiling wearing a navy blue coat and denim jeans with boots, wearing her handmade striped t-shirt bag..

Above, I take already hinted at how I make my t-shirt bags.

Rather than merely cut off the sleeves and neck and sewing across the lesser, I flip the shirt, lining upward the sleeve holes, first. The result is a handbag that points from forepart to back when worn on the shoulder, non 1 that points outward (and jabs into your side).

Remember that this method is best for blank, non printed t-shirts, especially those without side seams. Side seams aren't actually a problem, but they do end upwards on the front and dorsum of the bag when worn as yous can encounter in the film of my striped t-short bag above. If there are no side seams, in that location is a blank space for decorating the one time-side-of-the-bag, which is now the forepart. Make sense?

How to brand a t-shirt pocketbook – my method!

1. Fold the t-shirt in one-half, and then cut the neck and sleeves off your t-shirt. While y'all don't really need to fold the t-shirt in half get-go, I find that information technology'south easier to end up with a perfectly symmetrical bag that way. It's also very quick and easy as y'all can cut both sleeves off in one cut.

A striped t-shirt folded in half placed on a wood table, with sleeves and neck cut off.

2. flip the shirt within out and fold the shirt so that the sleeve holes line up together at the top, center of the shirt. If your shirt had side seams, they will now be touching in the center of the shirt.

A striped t-shirt flipped inside out placed on a table and lined up so the holes of the sleeves are at the center.

3. Run up the bottom close. (If you desire to attach your pouch in the seam, read my notes beneath first.) I like to use a serger to make the seam tidy, just y'all can use a regular sewing machine also. If using a sewing motorcar, I'd probably apply a zigzag run up for the seam, and would then trim off the backlog.

If you desire to attach your sleeve pouch to your handbag, yous tin either stitch it into the bottom seam or sew it someplace else. Call up, your shirt is inside out, so if you want the cord of the bag to be on the inside of the bag, leave it on the outside.

Striped t-shirt bag prepped for sewing with clothespins placed at the bottom of the bag to hold the seam in place.

If yous desire the string on the exterior, you'll take to run it through the center of the shirt, and volition have to brand the cord long enough and so that your pouch will attain the inside of the bag when in use. (If y'all do it that mode, you end upwards with a handy long cord for carrying your pouch like a purse.)

sleeve pouch holding t-short bag inside

four. Plow your bag right-side out and, voila, you are done with the bag part!

Finished striped white and black t-shirt bag hanging on a white glass door outside.

How to brand the pouch from the sleeve

Since you have to cut the sleeves off when making your handbag, why not put them to great utilise and make a pouch from them?

This is a super quick and easy project considering sleeves have a hemmed bottom that can exist used as a pre-made drawstring closure. My full tutorial for how to make a drawstring handbag from a sleeve tin can be found in the link, but I'll requite you lot a general gist, as to how it pertains to making it fit this projection, hither:

The sleeves of a striped shirt with the sides pinned with wooden clothespin, ready for sewing into a pouch.

Kickoff, you want to flip the slumber inside out. Yous'll then want to run up across the bottom. Whether or not you demand to sew down the sides depends on the type of sleeve you are using and if y'all need to shape the sleeve to get a nicer looking pouch. (More details about this can exist found in the post about making a drawstring bag.)

For this bag, y'all don't need another cord for your drawstring closure, but will instead use the cord that you sewed into the bottom seam of your purse. Flip your pouch right side out and then cut slits into the elevation layer of the hem enclosure. Run the cord all the way through the hem, having it come out of the same hole yous started at. (If your pouch has seams on either side, you'll need to brand more slits to exist able to pass the seams with the cording.)

Close-up of cut slits in the hem of t-shirt drawstring pouch with a gold safety pin and striped strap beside it.

Leave enough string to easily open up the pouch, and and then tie the end to the string at the indicate where the pocketbook can comfortably open. You lot are finished!

Y'all can now stuff your handbag into the pouch, leaving the actress string out equally a handle for easy conveying. When you are ready to employ your bag, take information technology out of the pouch and go along the pouch in the bag while it's in apply.

A caucasian woman wearing a navy blue coat, denim pants, and black boots, holding her handmade striped drawstring pouch.

I hope you like these t-shirt numberless equally much every bit I do. Now you are gratuitous to decorate them equally y'all like!

Which is your favorite?


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