
What Kind Doctor Should See Lump Under Skin

What kind of doctor do I go to for a lump on my arm?

  • Thread starter Leros
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  • #1
I constitute a lump on my arm nigh the size of a pocket-sized marble. Probably just a cyst or something. What kind of doctor practise I go to? A dermatologist?
November 30, 2004
  • #2
Probably a GP, and he'll refer you to someone to cutting it out. Or you could hit it with a book. I've heard of that, but never did it myself :^D
Feb eighteen, 2004
  • #three
general practitioner/family unit doctor/internist
Hayabusa Rider
Jan 26, 2000
  • #4
If it just appeared it's most likely a subcutaneous infection, however diagnosis of something unseen based on speculation isn't useful.

A GP or equivalent is a good place to starting time.

  • #five
Ugh. I need to find a GP. I oasis't had the need for one in years.
  • #6
Well, if you are in the military, you could become to an army doctor.
  • #seven
Well, if y'all are in the military, you could become to an army doctor.
Who would tell you "It's just a cold, you don't need antibiotics" and send y'all dorsum to piece of work.
Slew Foot
Sep 22, 2005
  • #eight
One in Mexico, itll exist cheaper
Oct 5, 2009
  • #9
Post a film.anyhow growths in the extremities tend to exist benign. Rarely you become sarcomas just these tend to be massive tumors. Pare malignancies are besides something to retrieve virtually but these tend to be lumps higher up the visible skin non smooth growths beneath the visible skin.

if information technology's smooth soft mankind colored and and mobile its probably a lipoma. If it's relatively business firm merely smooth and mobile its probably a dermatofibroma or a cyst. If it's painful information technology's something infected or trauma related. If information technology's freely bleeding information technology needs exam.

Sea Moose
  • #x
Accept you considered homeopathic medicine?
I Saw OJ
  • #12
Become a coffee straw, grasp said straw in your fist while placing your thumb over the finish, stab lump. Its easy to exist a medico.
Jul 13, 2005
  • #14
get a coffee straw, grasp said straw in your fist while placing your pollex over the terminate, stab lump. Its easy to be a doctor.
apparently its also easy to be an idiot....
  • #fifteen
obviously its also easy to be an idiot....
Have you lot ever seen a NEKKID girl? Exercise you want to? Practice the same affair in your eye, it will give you 10-ray vision. It works, I promise.
  • #17
Judging by the US healthcare costs I keep seeing I would imagine going to a fancy dress shop and renting a moo-cow costume then calling a vet would exist best.
Red Squirrel
  • #xviii
Those are my favorite kind of doctors. "yep, you're still alive" and that's it. Cut and dry, straight to the point, and none of this "you lot have aids" bullcrap. :biggrin:

In the US medical system, what I would do is see if information technology's something that has puss in information technology, and pop it myself.

  • #19
You'll get into a GP faster. Its a 3-half dozen calendar month expect for a dermatologist around hither.
The Sauce
  • #20
Go to the ER like everyone else. That lump might explode and take out half your block. That's an emergency.
Jul 12, 2007
  • #21

~xiv years ago I had a huge lump nether my arm. Went to my GP, who had no idea what it was. He sent me to a general surgeon, who too had no thought what it was but determined that it was probably not cancer after he drained ~1300ml (aye, one.3 liters) of lymph fluid from it. He sent me to another surgeon in the surface area, who as well had no clue what was causing it. Ultimately I ended upwardly downwards at UVA medical to encounter a surgeon who specialized in removing "lumps and bumps" from people. Turned out that office of the lymph gland nether my right arm had weakened and lymph fluid excreted from the gland started causing that part to "balloon" outward. Until I had surgery information technology had to be drained every few days or I would lose feeling in my arm (the "burl" had wrapped itself around the brachial plexus). Diagnosis was made subsequently undergoing iii fluoroscopies, a five hour long MRI (lots of holding my breath), and CT scan.

Anyhow, I ended upwardly having surgery performed by two unlike surgeons - the lump and bump guy and a vascular surgeon. Took about 5 hours in total to fix, mainly because the docs wanted to be sure not to damage whatever nerves. They did a pretty good job, but to this day I cannot feel annihilation on the lower office of my upper arm, from my correct armpit down to my right elbow.

Long story short - get checked out past a doc. And keep pressing for second and third opinions if the outset i y'all get does not seem reasonable.

  • #22
General Surgeon. Likely a cyst or lipoma. But they tin can cutting that sucker out if information technology really bothers you lot.
January 3, 2001
  • #23
Only cut it out with a steak knife you pansy-ass girly-man.
Oct ix, 2002
  • #24
I noticed a hard area of muscle on my arm and wondered why it was that way. So I remembered that was the location where my flu shot was administered days before.
  • #25
Some people go those cysts all the time similar my married woman then one day they just stopped. She concluded up getting a weird macrosomething virus in her blood that gave her arthritis like symptoms and the antibiotics she took for that ended up stopping the cysts is all nosotros tin can assume. Literally later she got that blood issue taken intendance of her cysts stopped appearing.
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